
Service Learning

Name : Alda Ellysia Ayudya Putri Class : 12 MIPA 6           On Saturday, March 6, 2021 yesterday I taught my mother how to buy things at an online store, with covid-19 being so afraid to leave the house, the correct solution was to buy things at an online store. 1. First we have to fill in the balance according to the price of the item you want to buy 2.  Select payment method to fill the balance 3. You will be given a payment code after choosing the method of payment. Do not pass the code on to anyone. And then click 'OK'  4. Select items to buy. Don't forget to enter the delivery vouchers, and when you have the coins you can use them to reduce your payments. 5. Last select delivery options and then be sure to start with your home address, the vouchers you use as well as your order correctly. Then click 'make an order'      With advanced technology we ...

Poster of Procedure Text How to Make French Fries

Name : Alda Ellysia Ayudya Putri Class : XII MIPA 6 Number : 02

Nature Photography Exhibition

Name : Alda Ellysia Ayudya Putri Number : 02 Class : XII MIPA 6 This photo I took behind my house. I took it away when I was going to water the plants in the afternoon. The sky is cloudy because it rains so much these days, but the air is fresh. 

SOS4LOVE Project 2020

Name : Alda Ellysia Ayudya Putri Class : XII MIPA 6 ⭐ Week 1 I choose the SDGs no 15, Life on Land This is my photo with my astronout :   "Protect the lungs of the world and preserves land ecosystems" A land ecosystem is the living organism and its terrestrial environment. I hope that with the SDGSs there can be such goals as improving land ecosystems, good forest management, and fighting desertification. The things I do to maintain a land ecosystem are to plant trees and flowers at home, reduce the use of tissue and paper, and not cut down trees at random. ⭐ Week 2 Photo with Helmet and my Poster :  "Let us unite against the rioters and the viruses" at a situation like this we need to work together to protect our earth. We fight together against Covid-19 by keeping the rules and not going out. We must also unite to fight the "rioters" that damage the land ecosystem. Thank You🌻 ⭐ Week 3 Video SDGs 

The river's pollution from the factory of pt tahu mustakim

 Group Name MIPA 6'18 : 1. Alda Ellysia A.P (02) 2. Della Sofiatus S. (13) 3. Shania Lu'luk I.M (32) 4. Sindy Fatika S. (33) 5. Yoga Kania C.P (36)